21 Free Stock Photo Sites You’ve Never Used Before
We've all heard of (and love!) Pexels, PicJumbo, and Unsplash, but have you used these other free stock photo websites? Here are some of my favorites! In the coming weeks and months, I'll be adding more stock photo packages to PLR for Blogs, so be sure to join our email list and check back frequently! 🙂
Representation is important. If you're looking for diverse stock photos, Nappy's got you covered. I also love that there is a “donate” option when you find photos from artists you love.
I use Jay Mantri's website for landscape and scenery photos. If you're writing about travel, this is a great free stock photo website to use. They don't have a ton of photos up, but the ones they do have are high quality.

I have used quite a few work/office type photos from Burst. The coolest part about the site, though, is their business ideas! Each in-depth case study includes supplier info, marketing tips, business model insights and free high-resolution images for your store and marketing campaigns. This list is from 2018, but definitely still relevant.

Styled Stock
If you're looking for feminine stock photos, Styled Stock is the place to be! This website has quite a few images of women, but also lots of yummy, pretty food. 🙂

With Picnoi, you can download any photo for free or download their entire database for $59. I am all about the free photos, but it's awesome that they give that option to save a bunch of time.

Stock Snap
Another site that offers a wide variety of photos, you can search Stock Snap by category, or check out what is trending.
Kaboom Pics
One of my favorite stock photo websites is Kaboom Pics! You can search this site by color, which is awesome for graphic design and branding purposes.
Foodies Feed
I'm in love with Foodies Feed! Free stock food photography is difficult to come by.
Focastock has free photos, videos, and templates for commercial use. You can access their templates here. These photos aren't the same quality you'll get from sites like Unsplash, but that's part of their charm: they look like regular people took them!

Gratisography describes their stock photos as truly unique, usually whimsy. Their photos are definitely different than any I've seen on other stock photo websites, and can definitely help you make some fun social media images to represent your brand. I mean, where else can you find a photo of donut fingers?!

Last but certainly not least, I love Reshot for photos of pets, business, and other lifestyle topics. The photo quality varies from professional to candid. I really like using candid photos in my lifestyle blog posts, as they seem to resonate better with my readers.

Don't forget to PIN IT! 🙂 As bloggers, you know Pinterest traffic is vital to a new blog's success! If you regularly pin my content, send me an email so I can return the favor. I have several websites and Pinterest profiles, so I'm sure your content will fit with at least one of them. 😉

UPDATE: I found even MORE free stock photo sites! These will keep you busy for a while. 🙂
- Cupcake
- 4FreePhotos
- Flikr (free tag) (CC tag)
- freeimages.co.uk
- Free Stocks
- University of Dayton (long list – educational purposes)
- CC Search
- Realistic Shots
- Life of Pix
- Free Nature Stock
- FOCA Stock
- magdeleine.co
- snapwire
- Public Domain Archive
- Travel Coffee Book (travel photos – love them!)
- ISO Republic
- Yeah! Stock Photos
- Picography
- Skitterphoto
Looking for even MORE? Check out these sites for free styled stock photos.